+34 609 83 15 11 :: s.tecnica@editorasgalegas.gal



How many years until a work is in the public domain?

It depends on the laws of each country. Spanish law says that works created prior to 1987 become public domain 80 years following the author’s death. For works after 1987 that figure changes to 70 years.

Where I can form and develop skills related to editing work?

There are numerous publications on the subject. In addition, some universities offer postgraduate courses in editing. There are also schools offering courses specific to the area of publishing.

Who is responsible for intellectual property rights?

The Spanish Reproduction Rights Centre (CEDRO, or Centro Español de Derechos Reprográficos).


Article 32 of the Spanish Law of Intellectual Property. It is permissible to include in a new work fragments of other written works, sounds or audiovisual material, or works of other types such as photographic, figurative or similar, provided that these works are disclosed and their inclusion is by way of citation for analysis, comment or critical judgement. Such use may be made only with educational or research aims, with the source and the name of the author of the work involved to be included in the new publication. The periodic compilations made in the form of reviews or press reviews will be considered citations.

What should I do to create a publishing business?

Form a company. Register under fiscal section number 476.1, Publishing. Register at the Spanish ISBN Agency to obtain a prefix for your publications. Registration with Galician Association of Publishers is voluntary.

How can I publish a book?

It is best to do so through an existing publisher. If this is not possible, you should consider becoming a member of an writers association. If you cannot avail yourself of either of those services, you can go to a professional who specialises in intellectual property.

Are model distribution contracts available?

There are models of publishing contracts agreed by the representative associations with authors, translators, illustrators, editors, etc., however, there are no agreed standard contracts with distributors.

What is the ISBN-13?

The old ISBN-10 following the prefix (978-). Entered into force in 2007. The manual can be found on the ISBN website.